Welcome to The Fashion Historian!
The goal of this blog is to provide an easy to use online resource for accurate information on the history of fashion. Topics will include everything from garments to jewelry to hair to accessories to make up to ideal body types to anything else that is a part of the realm of personal appearance. Although the focus of this community will be the fashions seen in western civilization, some posts may appear on non-western clothing. Louis XIV once said that fashion is the "mirror of history". I believe that is an essential approach to the study of fashion history, and so I will not only post about particular fashion items, but also about fashion as a reflection of it's historic context.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I am still learning. I will be 70 years old and still learning. I am not the be-all-end-all fashion history dictionary. I do not know everything ever and I will make mistakes. I strive to only use reliable resources (books, primary resources) when making posts, but please do not yell at me if, for whatever reason, I get something wrong. Also, some posts will contain my own personal opinions. Please do not take these as absolute truths, or rant and rave if you disagree.